HKU St. John's College High Table Dinner 2024
日期: 08/11/2024
On 8th November 2024, our students Cheung Wai Ying (6PE), Cheng Chor Kiu (5MA), Poon Ka Hei (5MA) and Chow Yui Lam (5M) attended the High Table Dinner 2024 in the St. John's College, The University of Hong Kong.
The High Table Dinner is an exquisite tradition that embodies the spirit of St. John's College. The speech given by Mr. Albert Yan about the synergy between life and sports understanding, inspired our students to reflect this prestige deeply about their personal journey. The chit-chatting with the student representatives of HKU has enriched our students' understanding of the past of college and its role within the university community.